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Friday, April 19, 2019


My friend used to laugh at me when I called the annual return of Woodcock, Ducks, Geese, songbirds the "reverse migration".  I suppose it was a simpleton term, but to me that's what it is.  Birds migrate south for the winter and in spring, they return performing a reverse migration to their nesting grounds.  

Call it what you like.

This is the brief time of year when K-Lee and I can go out and snoop around wet spots and edge cover, looking for woodcock which are on their way back to their summer abodes.  They may be here for a day or two while they rest, eat and perhaps wait for favorable winds.  They they're gone.  We don't try to harass them with any more than a "point", then we meander off looking for another "find".   It reminds me of "catch-and-release" fishing.

Somewhere in there is a bird

Soon enough, it will be too hot for such games, birds will be nesting, the black flies will be about, and bloodthirsty ticks looking for a free lunch.  
