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Thursday, July 12, 2018


Independence Day has come and gone.  Here at home, the young birds at the front door have fledged.  They're gone too and I'm allowed to enter and exit through that portal again. (See 4/24/18 post "Banned From Front Door Use")   The lake is warm enough to enjoy a swim or two, and walks with dogs need to be done well before breakfast.  I'm good with that.

Last week, we went "up north" to our camp.  I mowed the lawn, put things  in order and installed a flagpole.  The high point of our stay was K-Lee on-point at the wood's edge.  As I "walked in" on her point, about four young woodcock exploded to wing.  Nearly the size of a baseball, they erupted from beneath the spruces and flew through the woods like Harry Potter's "snitch" during a "Quidditch" tournament.  It was a pleasant rush to say the least!   

K-Lee and I didn't follow up.  This is their time.  

Now, when I think of our camp which is near Quebec Province, the name "Becasse" pleasantly comes to mind.