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Friday, April 19, 2019


My friend used to laugh at me when I called the annual return of Woodcock, Ducks, Geese, songbirds the "reverse migration".  I suppose it was a simpleton term, but to me that's what it is.  Birds migrate south for the winter and in spring, they return performing a reverse migration to their nesting grounds.  

Call it what you like.

This is the brief time of year when K-Lee and I can go out and snoop around wet spots and edge cover, looking for woodcock which are on their way back to their summer abodes.  They may be here for a day or two while they rest, eat and perhaps wait for favorable winds.  They they're gone.  We don't try to harass them with any more than a "point", then we meander off looking for another "find".   It reminds me of "catch-and-release" fishing.

Somewhere in there is a bird

Soon enough, it will be too hot for such games, birds will be nesting, the black flies will be about, and bloodthirsty ticks looking for a free lunch.  



  1. Let's hooe for dry spring weather and large broods of young woodcock and grouse.

    1. Absolutely! (And, like Robert Frost, we need to take the path less traveled!)

  2. Hi Den, glad to read your blog and know that you and K-LEE ARE OUT AND ABOUT. Once again I've not heard or seen the woodcock doing their singing which I REALLY miss. Hope you've been able to see it.

    1. I haven't seen the ritual for years and it is totally MY LOSS! Where we live, I doubt there are many things in nature that compare to it. Thanks for the comment. I need to get on that!
